Saturday, October 16, 2010

Planimetric Map - 1

A Planimetric Map is a "flat" map that represents its features two-dimensionally (horizontally) only.  Vertical features such as height or elevation are not displayed on planimetric maps. I thought this example of a planimetric map was unique and interesting.  It took me some digging and almost near completion of my own map blog to realize that the original source of this image is from a former student's blog and her own personal experience with this map.  I originally found this image on a blog entitled Cartophilia: Maps and Map Memorabilia.  This is an interesting blog, but it appears that it is no longer maintained.  This blogger was impressed by Mary Ann Vance's above image that she posted on her Map Catalog blog.  (Based off of limited information, I can only deduce that she was an FSU student for this course in May 2008 and used this for her planimetric map image.)  I really like this map and wanted to include it in my blog as well.  In the interest of not "copying" another student, I will search for an addition planimetric map image to post in a separate post.